
Sustainable Shipping 

Shipping is under great pressure to accelerate its decarbonization journey. Our Research & Development (R&D) team collaborate on many projects to make sure that the required pace of this transition does not reduce the safety standards of the technology it will rely on.

We work on projects exploring new low-carbon fuels to be able to answer ship owners’ concerns and to bridge the gap between the technology developers and its end users. Our SEECAT software allows us to simulate complex propulsion architecture with different energy saving systems and new propulsion. Our safety specialists also contribute to the safety studies to ensure ship decarbonization occurs in an atmosphere of trust.





The TNTM project aims to optimize the entire maritime logistic chain for environmental and economic factors. This includes determining the optimal allocation of a fleet of ships on a network, container filling, ship routing and data use to improve ship performance.

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#EUProject #Marine
RESHIP is an EU-backed project aiming to determine energy efficiency solutions for sea-going and inland hydrogen-powered ships. It will look at energy demand, power spikes and demanding energy storage requirements.

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#EUProject #Marine
EverLoNG is an EU-backed project to demonstrating the use of onboard carbon capture and storage (CCS) systems on two LNG-fueled ships.

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#EUproject #Marine
HELENUS aims to demonstrate the applicability, scalability and fuel-flexibility of highly efficient solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) in various large ship applications - thereby enabling a significant step towards decarbonization and emission reduction from shipping.

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#EUproject #Marine
LH2CRAFT aims to develop an LH2 storage technology for LH2 transportation as cargo, to be demonstrated on a 180 m³ containment system.

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#JIP #Marine
ZERO is a Joint Industry Project (JIP) with MARIN, to develop the engine room of the future. Nine vessel types are involved in the study, which is aiming to identify potential zero emission propulsion systems. 

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The Farmotion project focuses on the development of a large rotor sail, supported by Farwind Energy.

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Through OPTIWISE, we will help to develop and deploy holistic design and control methods in realistic scenarios for new ship designs using wind propulsion.

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PACBOAT is a project led by the French Agency for Ecological Transition (ADEME) looking at the possibilities and risks of installing a demonstrator solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) on a cruise ship. Our overall aim is to be able to inform and develop Rules for the use of fuel cells onboard ships.


#SustainableShipping #Marine
Jores aims to gather a full set of ship performance data to enhance understanding of full-scale ship hydrodynamics, thus laying a foundation for further improvements to performance.

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#SustainableShipping  #Marine 
We recently began collaborating with the University of Delft to study the impact of the use of ammonia as fuel on ships. The study will pose various questions including how to safely use ammonia, how to ensure regulatory compliance and if it is possible to use a combined hydrogen and ammonia fuel cell.

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#Software #Marine
SEECAT is our in-house software for simulation-based ship energy efficiency analysis. Its energy simulations are enhanced by computational fluid dynamic analysis of the hull and appendages to optimize a vessel’s hull and propulsion train.

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