May. 31 2024

Class & statutory

Special action for preventing the failure of ship's electromechanical equipment on Chinese ports

With the attached circular in subject (refer also to the free translation), the Maritime Safety Administration of the People's Republic of China has decided to carry out a special action for preventing the failure of ship's electromechanical equipment on the national ports. The special operation will end on the 31st of October 2024.

Ships managers should refer to the special self-inspection guidelines for preventing failures of ship electromechanical equipment (annexed). Before calling Chinese ports (as well as Hong Kong), crew members should carry out self-inspection for the key items of electromechanical equipment applicable to their vessels, in accordance with the requirements and rectify in a timely manner the findings.

The ship officers should report electromechanical equipment failure to the local maritime administration and accept the special safety inspection by the maritime administration as required.

Pre-arrival checklist is to be filled in by crew members before calling Chinese ports. Any finding is to be reported to BV without any delay.