Jun. 26 2019

Class & statutory



Please note Merchant Marine Circular MMC-349 "Imperative Anti-Piracy security measurements to be taken in urgent basis" attached below


The Panama Maritime Authority strongly recommends to all the ship owners and operators of the Panamanian flagged vessels to keep the proper anti-piracy security measures on board in order to reduce the likelihood of being attacked by pirates. The level of threat in the hot spots for piracy attacks i.e. Gulf of Guinea and Gulf of Aden (off Somalia) have been risen in the last days, according to the intelligence reports; which have been also supported by a recent speech given by the Secretary General of the International Maritime Organization (IMO).


For this reason, the Panama Maritime Authority strongly encourage to all the Panamanian flagged vessels to complete and submit the “Vessel Position Reporting Form” to UMKTO, and the “Vessel Movement Registration Form” to MSCHOA, both described in the latest edition of the Best Management Practices (BMP) prior to entering the High Risk Area, including the International Recommended Transit Corridor (IRTC).


The Panama Maritime Authority encourage all Operators, CSO and Owners of Panamanian flag vessels, to contact the International Maritime Bureau (IMB) Piracy Reporting Center 24/7, in case of any incident of piracy or armed robbery that occurs in any part of the country world.