Jul. 7 2023

Class & statutory

MEPC 80 - 3 to 7 of July 2023

The Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) was held in person in London (3-7 July 2023) with hybrid facilities allowing remote participation.  

MEPC 80 adopted the IMO 2023 Strategy on the reduction of GHG emissions from ships, with:

  • Strengthened levels of ambition, including GHG emissions from international shipping to reach net-zero GHG emissions “close to” 2050
  • Indicative checkpoints to reduce by at least 20% (striving for 30%) by 2030; and by at least 70% (striving for 80%) by 2040, compared to 2008
  • Uptake of zero or near-zero GHG emission technologies, fuels and/or energy sources to represent at least 5% (striving for 10%) of the energy used by international shipping
  • Mid-term measures including technical and economical measures (still to be assessed and determined before adoption in 2025)  

MEPC 80 adopted Guidelines on life cycle GHG intensity of marine fuels (LCA Guidelines) (resolution MEPC.376(80)). Further work shall be done through ISWG GHG 16 in view of their operationalization (finalization of default emissions factors and fuel certification).

On other matters, MEPC 80 adopted:

  • Amendments to the form of the Ballast Water Record Book in the Ballast Water Management Convention (BWMC)
  • 2023 Guidelines for thermal waste treatment devices
  • Interim Guidelines for the use of biofuels and blends of biofuels
  • Several Unified Interpretations on MARPOL Annex VI and the BWMC
  • The designation of a Particular Sensitive Sea Area in the North-Western Mediterranean Sea to protect cetaceans from international shipping
  • Amendments to the Survey Guidelines associated to the EEDI
  • Amendments to Shaft/Power limitation Guidelines for the EEXI

 MEPC 80 progressed on the following matters:

  • The revision of the IMO ship fuel oil consumption Data Collection System (DCS)
  • Matters related to the EEDI, EEXI calculations