May. 24 2024
Maritime Safety Committee 108th Session (MSC 108) Summary Report

Class & statutory

Maritime Safety Committee 108th Session (MSC 108) Summary Report

The 108th session of the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) was held in person in London (15 – 24 May 2024) with hybrid facilities allowing remote participation.

MSC 108 adopted amendments to the following Convention and Codes, for entry into force on 1 January 2026:

SOLAS Chapter II-2

  • Part B, Regulation 4, Probability of ignition
  • Part C Suppression of fire
  • Part G, Regulation 20 Protection of vehicle, special category and ro-ro spaces
  • SOLAS Chapter V Regulation 31, Danger Message
  • International Code of Safety for Ships using Gases or other Low-flashpoint Fuels (IGF Code)
  • International Code for the Safe Carriage of Grain in Bulk (Grain Code)
  • International Code on the Enhanced Programme of Inspections during Surveys of Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers, 2011 (2011 ESP Code)
  • International Life-Saving Appliance Code (LSA Code)
  • International Code for Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code)

MSC 108 also adopted:

  • amendments to SOLAS Chapter II-1/3-4 on emergency towing arrangements and procedures for all new ships other than tankers, over 20 000 GT, constructed on or after 1 January 2028. Entry into force on 1 January 2028.
  • over 20 circulars (new or revised circulars), including the revised Guidelines on maritime cyber risk management
  • several Unified Interpretations of SOLAS and mandatory Codes

MSC 108 approved:

  • draft amendments to IGF and IGC Code, for adoption at MSC 109

MSC 108 progressed its work on:

  • the development of a non-mandatory goal-based instrument regulating the operation of maritime autonomous surface ships (MASS) for 2025
  • the development of a safety regulatory framework to support the reduction of GHG emissions from ships using new fuels and technologies