Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore French Committee: focus on energy transition and a change in leadership


Bureau Veritas Marine and Offshore French Committee: focus on energy transition and a change in leadership

May. 17 2024

Paris, May 17th, 2024 - Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore held its French Committee yesterday in Paris. The meeting gathered leading French maritime interests. A significant focus was the challenge of the energy transition. Catherine Chabaud, Député Européenne in the European Parliament, and champion of the oceans, shared her view in a much awaited speech on the European perspective of decarbonisation.

The meeting, attended by Bureau Veritas Group CEO, Hinda Gharbi, was particularly notable for the fact Philippe Louis-Dreyfus, President of the Committee for 25 years, was succeeded as President of the Committee by Christine Cabau, Executive Vice President of the CMA CGM Group.

Matthieu de Tugny, President of Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore, expressed his sincere thanks for Philippe Louis-Dreyfus’ service and commitment:Philippe Louis-Dreyfus has guided our meetings so effectively over the years as a deep supporter of both classification and of Bureau Veritas. We are very much in his debt and delighted that he is staying on as Vice-President reflecting the continuity of his commitment. We are equally delighted to welcome Christine Cabau as our new President and thank her for accepting the nomination. We all look forward to working with her and Philippe to help provide Bureau Veritas with advice and guidance for the challenges we all face.